Insert a Door

To insert a door in the project follow the steps below: 

  1. In the Settings window load the Type if available or select the family of the opening; 
  2. Alternatively, define custom door settings; 
  3. In the Project window set the position of the opening by clicking on the wall; 
  4. Click the internal / external area of the wall to choose the opening direction;
  5. For single doors (swinging, sliding, pocket or folding doors) click on the wall to position the door, then click in the desired quarter of the region described by the cartesian axes to set its opening or swinging side. As you move the cursor over a wall, temporary dimensions show the relative distances of the door from the surrounding vertices or joints of the wall. As for windows, to set and constrain the value of either dimension, so that the opening is exactly at that distance from a reference point, enter the value on the keyboard and move the pointer, so as to choose which dimension on either side of the wall the value applies to. Click to confirm and insert the opening.