Radial Dimensions

Radial dimensions measure the radius, diameter, internal angle and length of arcs and circles.


To create a radial dimension

  1. Select the Radial dimension tool. If you want the dimension to be associated to the measured arc or circle so that it is always updated, make sure the Associative option is set.
  2. Click on a circle or arc
  3. Move the pointer inside or outside the arc or circle to define the position of the dimension
  4. As you click, a pop-up dialog lets you choose the type of information that you want the radial dimension to display. The available options are:- 5. Prefix: enter any text that you want to display before the values6. Radius of the circle7. Diameter of the circle8. Angle of the arc9. Length of the arc or circumference of the circle


To edit a radial dimension

Select the radial dimension, then

  • Click its start point on the circle to move it along the circle
  • Click the end point to adjust its orientation
  • Click the label to open the pop-up dialog and edit the displayed information

By default, associated radial dimensions show center marks or lines on measured arcs. To hide the center lines, uncheck the Show center marks on the Dimensions settings window when the radial dimension object is selected.