Edit a Style or Type

Only Project or User Library styles can be modified. As for all other resources, styles and types in the HighDesign library cannot be modified, but only duplicated in the User library or project.

To change the settings of a style, such as its name, graphic properties or specific element settings, select it on the Project Styles panel and choose “Edit Style” or “Edit Type” from the drop-down menu and open the Edit Style or Edit Type window.

This window differs from the New Style/Type window in some details: it is not possible to select the location of the style and all fields and options show the settings of the selected style.

All changes made to a style automatically update all occurrences of that style in the project. If an occurrence of a style is modified, when selected it is marked as modified in the Project Styles panel. It is not possible to update or create a Style or Type by selection.