Linear Dimensions

This method is used to insert linear dimensions between two points. The dimension line can have a generic angle or can be axis-aligned and display the dx or dy distance with absolute values.


Linear dimensions can be independent or associative (SE/Pro). Independent dimensions are defined by the two source points. Modifying the measured object does not affect the geometry and value of the dimension. Associative dimensions are linked to their source element and update their geometry and value automatically as the source object is moved or modified. Dimension and object can reside on different layers.

Create a non-associative dimension
  • Click on the source points and move the pointer to place the dimension line.
  • If you move vertically or horizontally (following the guide lines that appear on screen) you create a vertical or horizontal dimension; otherwise, the dimension will be object-aligned.
Create an associative dimension
  1. Activate the Associative option, either in the Settings window or by clicking the Associative Dimensions button on the Properties toolbar, next to the Dimension methods.Ā 
  2. Click the source object. Associative dimensions must be defined by clicking between two vertex points since they require only the definition of the source object.Ā 
  3. Define the height of the witness line, i.e. its distance from the source object.

Associative dimensions are marked with squares on the source points. These squares are only visible on screen and are not printed nor exported.


Associate a Dimension

An independent dimension can be changed into an associative dimension, and vice-versa. To change the associative behavior of a dimension, select it and press the Associative switch on the Dimension Settings.


When an independent dimension becomes associative, it lacks the link to an actual source object. Also, deleting or otherwise removing the source object can cause the relative dimension to lose its link. When an associative dimension does not have its source object, or is not able to find it, the square marks are no longer visible and a yellow ā€œcautionā€ triangle appears near the mid point of the witness line. An unlinked dimension can be re-associated to its source object or a new element in two ways:Ā 

  1. Using the command Tools ā–ø Associate Dimensions/Annotations. Either select the dimension to link and begin the command, or begin the command and the click on the dimensions. With this method, it is possible to associate more dimensions in one run of the command. When you click on the dimension, a line is drawn from the mid point of the dimension to the cursor. Click on the new source object or element to link the dimension.Ā 
  2. Using the caution triangle. Select the dimension and click the yellow triangle of an unlinked dimension to begin the Associate Dimension command. The procedure is then the same as described above.