
Use this tool to add text notes with leader lines and arrowheads and tags. The text can be multiline and rotated, but only have one style of font, size and color.


Leaders can be linear, circular, curved, or invisible. The construction process is similar for all types of leader: the first click defines the start arrow of the annotation and the second click sets the endpoint and the angle; the movement of the pointer and the next click define the landing. Enter the text in the input field. 

  • A text annotation can have multiple leader lines. Use the corresponding methods to add or remove a leader line from a text note. 

Add Leader

Leaders can be added starting from the annotation going to the arrow point, or in the reverse direction, from the arrow point to the annotation. To add a leader:

  • Activate the Add Leader method, click the unselected annotation and define the arrow point. The new leader is constructed from the node point. 


  • Activate the Add Leader method, define the arrow point anywhere on the drawing and click the annotation. 

Remove Leader

To remove a leader from an annotation, activate the Remove Leader method and click the leader line to remove.It is possible to remove all the leaders of an annotation, leaving only the text note.

  • In HighDesign SE/Pro, annotations can be associative so that their position is determined by the parent element. Moving the parent element also moves the associated annotations. 
  • When used on a project element, the annotation prompts basic information about that element. Supported object classes are hatches, symbols, walls, columns, doors and windows. For example, annotations added to symbols by default prompt a caption with the names of the symbol and the current view.