Apply Filters

On the Filter panel of the Schedule Settings dialog, you can define rules that limit the number of listed items in a schedule.

To open the Filter panel, click the Filter button at the bottom of the Category list in the Schedule Settings dialog.


You can define up to 8 filters, and all the criteria must be satisfied for the data to display.

A filter is structured as a sentence: the subject must meet a certain condition according to the logical rule specified. The subject is one of the available parameters of the current category, the condition is a number or text that you enter or a value selected from a list, and the rule defines a comparison between the subject and the condition, such as “begins with” or “is greater than”.

To define a filter, do the following:

To add a new rule, click the plus (+) button.

To remove a rule, click the minus (-) button. You can remove rules at any position.

To confirm the filters, click Done.