The Object Info Panel

The Object Info panel provides easy access to coordinates and other geometric parameters, as well as textual information on selected objects. If no graphic object is selected, the Object Info panel provides all information relating to the current sheet.

This panel lets you read and edit the coordinates of any of the object’s control points: width, height, length, angle, etc.


The Object Info panel is the main interface for configuring the current sheet, detail or layout: the various sections of the panel provide all the controls and fields needed to define name, scale, units, page size, graphic options and other information.

Info Object panel sections

The panel is organized into distinct sections that group together affine data and vary according to the item displayed:

Sheet :

When no object is selected, object information displays information on the current sheet.


  • Header : sheet class
  • Sheet : name, options, scale and units
  • Paper size : visible for sheets that support one paper size.
  • Class-specific settings
Object of the project :

The header section of the panel displays the icon and class of the current element.


The header section of the panel displays the icon and class of the current element.

  • When you select one or more objects in the drawing, Object Info immediately displays all the numerical properties of the last object selected. The icon and name of the current object are displayed in the top bar of the window, as are the back and forward arrows used to scroll through the objects in the selection. ;
  • Some objects, such as symbols, texts, dimensions or walls, have special parameters which are not displayed in the Object Info panel: when one of these objects is selected, its parameter window can be opened by clicking on the icon in the top bar of the Object Info panel, or by clicking on the Show parameters button in the ID section;

By default, Object Info modifies all selected objects of the same type. To modify only the current object, whose values are displayed on the panel, open the header context menu and choose “Apply only to current object”. This option remains selected until it is changed again.

For multiple selections, use the Previous and Next buttons on the right to activate the current object.


The Point section displays the X, Y and Z coordinates of the current point. The current point is highlighted in the drawing, and you can use the “Previous” and “Next” buttons to scroll through the object’s handles. To modify a value, click on the field, insert the new value and press the Return key on the keyboard.


  • Depending on the type of object and the active point, the action resulting from editing the coordinates of the active point may be a stretch or a translation. For example, if you edit point 2 of a line, it is stretched; if you edit point 3 of a circle (its center), the action is a translation. ;
  • When a rectangle or polygon is selected, this section indicates the type of transformation compatible with the current active point. With poly-lines, it is possible to modify the convexity of the segment described by the active point.


The Geometry section displays values describing the object’s size and orientation, such as width, height, radius, length, angle and so on. Fields such as width and height can be connected to constrain the object’s proportions.

This section also displays read-only values calculated on the basis of the current coordinates and size, such as perimeter and area.

Some objects, such as dimensions and measurement paths, only display their value in a read-only field, as their size depends on other objects. Walls add controls that allow you to quickly modify the construction.


This section is specific to project elements with advanced properties (accessible via the Settings window) and shows the textual information associated with the object, such as name, description and identifier, which are used, for example, by annotation elements or title blocks.

This section also includes the button to open the parameters window for the selected object.