
Viewports are elements that display scaled views of the project. Think of them as windows that show a portion or the entire view of a drafting or detail sheet, and provide basic information about the views. When you use layouts and viewports, the drafting sheets and the other design sheets contain your project, whereas layouts and viewports show a clean view of the project suitable for presentation and revision.

  • It is also possible to use only the drafting sheets to present your project, since drafting sheets can have their own drawing scale and paper size. This workflow offers of the advantage of directness because what you see on the drafting sheet is exactly what you will see on the printed sheet, but it lacks the flexibility and scalability of layouts and viewports.

Viewports exist only on layout sheet. On each layout you can place one or more viewports that reference different drafting sheets, parts of the same sheet or event the same view at different scales. The view displayed in a viewport can use a custom rotation angle, a filter that changes the way borders and fills are represented and a transparent color overlay.


To create a new Viewport use the button on the top-left corner of the Layout canvas or select the menu command Project ā€£ Create Viewport. Viewports exist within Layouts only.

The Viewport tool lets you create a viewport directly by a detail area too: select the source sheet and then choose a detail area. Position and size of the viewport will be taken from the source area and updated live if the detail area is modified.

Alternatively, viewports can be created directly from a detail area. On a drafting sheet, select or create a detail area around the part of the drawing that you want to show in the viewport. Click the pop-up arrow near the detail area name, go to New Viewport by Selected Area and choose the layout on which to create the viewport.
