Editing Schedule Elements

Schedules in HighDesign are interactive, in that each row of the table maintains a link to an actual element of the model so that values and calculations are always up to date. This connection works both ways: as you work on the model, the values on the schedule are updated, and you can also edit values directly on the schedule and see the changes in the model in real time. For example, you can change layer, type or length on the schedule and instantly see the modifications in the project.

Selecting an Element

Click the row index to select the linked element on the schedule. A preview box on the right of the table shows the element in its context.

Double click the row index to go to the element’s sheet.


Editing an Element

Editable fields in a row are marked with a solid border. Depending on the type of data, you can enter a value, such as a length or height, or choose an item from a list.

Values are entered in the units defined by the schedule sheet. You can change linear and angular units through the Object Info panel or the units popup on the Input bar of the main window.

Any change to an element’s values are applied immediately to the element.