Project Units

Use the Units panel to set the project units and specify the formatting rules. To access the Project Units panel, choose the menu item File > Project Settings > Units or Project > Project Settings > Project Units.


The panel is organized in sections that let you specify the units for lengths, angles, area and volume, and includes options to select the decimal separator and suppress the zero digits.

The settings in this panel act as default settings for all items and tools of the software. Some objects, like Dimensions, also allow custom settings for units in addition to the default, project-wide settings.


Defines the units that show linear measures. Use the Units menu to select the desired measurement unit and the Precision menu to specify the rounding. Changing the precision does not affect that actual value stored in the project, but only changes the way that value is displayed in the software.

  • Decimal units can have a precision in the range from 0 (no decimal digits) to 8 decimal digits.
  • Fractional units can be set to a precision from 1/2 to 1/64


Angles can be expressed in a number of standards:

  • Decimal degrees (0.0000°)
  • Degrees and minutes (0° 0')
  • Degrees, minutes and seconds (0° 0’ 0’')
  • Radians (0-2 Pi)
  • Centesimal (0-400 gradians)

Angle precision ranges from 0 (no decimals) to four decimal digits (0.0001).

Angles can also be expressed as Normal, Bearings and Azimuth relative to the North.

The Angles section also includes a control to specify the project north.


Areas can be displayed in international or imperial square units, or square points. Their precision ranges from 0 to 8 decimal units.


Similarly to area units, volume units are available in both international and imperial cubic units, with precision ranging from none (0) to four decimal digits.

Display Options

You can set the decimal separator character as comma (",") or dot ("."). While this setting affects displayed units, you can enter units either way as you are more accustomed to and the software will accept and parse your input.

You can also decide to trim leading, or initial, and final, or leading, zeros from numbers. For example, when leading zeroes are suppressed, 0.25 is displayed as .25 and when trailing zeroes are suppressed 1.25000 becomes 1.25.

Fractional units can also be displayed with or without 0 feet and 0 inches.