Multiple Linear Dimensions

This method allows you to create horizontal or vertical aligned dimensions (dx or dy distances) of two or more progressive points. Once the first segment is defined, all following dimensions will keep the first alignment and height.

Multiple linear dimensions can be of two types: continued and baseline.

Continued dimensions

Continued dimensions measure points in a linear progression. Each dimension measures the section from the previous point to the next.

Create continued dimensions
  1. Activate the Multiple Linear Dimensions tool.
  2. On the Properties bar, make sure the current mode is set to Continued.
  3. Click to specify the start point.
  4. Specify the end point. Start and end points do not need to be aligned.
  5. Define the first dimension line, either aligned to the source points, horizontal, or vertical. The first dimension line defines alignment and height of the successive dimensions.
  6. Click to specify the next end point. Each new dimension uses the end point of the previous dimension as start point.
  7. Double click or cancel to end the operation.

Baseline dimensions

Baseline dimensions measure progressive distances from a base point. Each dimension line is placed at an increasing offset from the source points and measures the total distance of the end point from the global start point.

Create baseline dimensions
  1. Activate the Multiple Linear Dimensions tool.
  2. On the Properties bar, select the mode to Baseline.
  3. Click to specify the base point and define the first dimension line.
  4. Click to specify the next end points. Each new dimension is placed at an offset from the measured objects that is a multiple of the height of the first dimension.
  5. Double click or cancel to end the operation.