Project Grid

You can use this pane to customize the project grid and set its options. The project grid is a graphical aid that displays a grid with major and minor divisions on all drawing sheets. The size of the grid is at 1:1 scale and is displayed at the scale of the current sheet. For example, a 30x30 cm grid will appear larger when switching from a 1:20 sheet to a 1:10 sheet.


To define the grid:

  1. Define its real-world size using the Width and Height fields.
  2. Define the number of subdivisions from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 12. A subdivision value of 1 means that no subgrid will be displayed.
  3. Define its color. The Automatic color is calculated as a dimmed contrast color to the current background defined in the Appearance panel.
  4. With the Display Order controls you ca choose whether to display the grid behind the drawing or in front of it.

By default, the project grid is hidden on printouts. Activate the Grid is printable checkbox to make the grid visible on printouts.

The project grid can be used with the Snap to Grid option. You can also choose to make this type of snap exclusive so that all other snaps are disabled when Snap to grid is turned on.