Place a Column

Before placing a column, choose its type or set is shape, size and graphic attributes in the Column Settings panel.

Columns are always inserted by their central point, so that they align correctly to the structural grid.

  • Round columns are inserted with a single click.
  • Square and rectangular columns (pillars) require two clicks:
  • click to define the center or insertion point;
  • move the pointer and click a second time to define the angle of the column. Use the Angle input (A) to enter the desired value.


When you insert the second column, it automatically aligns with the first column so that you can create the structural grid by placing the columns with just one click.

Square columns also inherit the same orientation as the first column. To change the orientation, hold down the Alt key when you insert the column.


To place a column at a fixed distance:

  1. If not already active, press the Column tool button on the toolbox to activate it.
  2. As you move the pointer, dimension lines show the distance from the nearest column.
  3. Enter a distance and press Return or Enter.

The next columns will align to that orientation and snap to the predefined distance.