The Polygons tool provides three methods to create rectangles: rectangle by vertex, rotated rectangle by vertex, and rectangle by center.
Rectangle by Vertex
To draw a rectangle, click to set the first vertex, move the pointer and click again to set opposite vertex. You can add diagonals to a rectangle by pressing the Option key on the second click. To draw a square, use the rectangle tool and hold the Shift key to constrain the diagonal direction.Ā
To set the size of the rectangle, click to set the starting vertex, then push the āWā key to set the width and āHā to set the height. Positive values go rightwards and upwards. To edit the rectangle with either the Arrow tool or the Drawing tool active, click on vertices to resize, on midpoints of sides to stretch, and click on sides or center point to move.
Rotated Rectangle
Click to place the first vertex, move the pointer and click again to set the base angle; then move the pointer and click a third time to set the height of the shape.Ā To set the dimensions, click the first vertex, push the “A” key to set the angle, the “W” key for the width and the “H” key for the height.
Rectangle by Center
Click to set the center of the rectangle; move and click to define the orientation and the first axis; move and click again to define the perpendicular axis.
Editing a Rectangle
You can modify a rectangle by stretching one of its four vertices, the mid-points of the sides, or move it by the center.
- Select the rectangle. Depending on the handle point you click, you can stretch, resize or move the object.
- Vertex: resize the rectangle by one of its vertices or corners. You can enter the new dimensions by pressing the W and H keys as you resize the shape.
- Middle points: stretch the rectangle and modify its width or height by clicking the middle point of one of the sides.
- Center: move the rectangle to a new location.