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HighDesign is available in three different licenses to best suit your needs: LT, Standard and a Pro version.

HighDesign LT is the light-weight, accessible CAD solution for everyone who needs the precision and power of a full CAD software, without the complexity of more design-oriented features and tools. HighDesign LT supports the DXF and DWG file format (Model data only).

HighDesign SE is a CAD program designed to provide the user all the most used drawing and editing tools. This version is intended for home and small office users who will benefit from its powerful functions, ease of use and tight integration with the operating system. HighDesign Standard supports the DXF and DWG file formats.

HighDesign Pro includes all the features of the Standard version, plus many others designed to increase personal productivity and satisfy the advanced needs of professional users such as architects and civil engineers. HighDesign Pro adds sets of design tools such as walls, columns, doors, windows geared for a professional, intensive use.