Insert an Image

HighDesign lets you easily add pictures to your project from several graphic formats (TIFF, JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TGA, WebP, PDF). Images inserted into the project keep their resolution and are displayed at the real print size: it is possible to handle them as any other vector entity. PNG, TIFF and WebP images are imported with their alpha channel if present. 

You can insert a picture in your project in several ways:

  • File ▸ Insert Image…
  • Project Insert Image…
  • Double click the Image tool icon to open the Settings pane, push the Open Image button and the Open button on the pop-up panel.
  • Drag and drop an image file from the computer onto the drawing area.
  • Drag and drop a picture from another application, such as a web browser or a photo archiving software.
  • Paste a picture from the system clipboard.

Images are inserted by their lower-left corner.

PDF documents can be inserted as high-resolution images. When you choose a PDF document with the Insert Image command, you are presented with a dialog where in you can select the page to import, if more than one, and set the resolution at which the image object will be created.