Create a Table

To create a table:

  1. Activate the Table tool.
  2. Click to specify the insertion point.
  3. Move the pointer and click again to define width and height of the table.

The table is created with the default number of rows and columns as set in the Table Settings panel. The width of columns and the height of rows are calculated from the table width and height.

To select a cell, select the table object, then:

  • Click on a cell to select it
  • Shift-click on a second cell to select all the cells from the first selected to the second selected.
  • Cmd-Click (Mac) or Ctrl-Click (Win) to select a cell without deselecting the others.
  • Press the up, right, bottom and left arrow keys on the keyboard to move the selection to the nearest cell in that direction.
  • Press the Tab key or Shift-Tab to move the selection to the next or previous cell. When the cell text was edited, the Tab key also confirms the input.
  • Press the Return key to edit the selected cell.
  • Press the Esc key to cancel the current input, or deselect the cells.

To enter data in the table:

  1. Select the table.
  2. Click on a cell to select it and enter the text.
  3. Press Enter to confirm the text, or Tab to move the focus to the next cell.

You can also double-click a cell to open the input area directly.