Editing Text Blocks

Text blocks are rectangular objects that can be moved, resized and rotated. To edit a text block, select the object, then:

  • Click the center to move it.
  • Click one of the corners to resize the box, and hold the Shift key to resize it proportionally.
  • Click on the middle point of one of the sides to resize the box in that direction.
Resizing and the Fit Box Modes

A text block can be freely resized in all directions only when its fit-box mode is set to “fixed-size box”. In this mode, the text block keeps the width and height that you define.

When the fit-box mode is set to “fit height”, you can only resize it horizontally, that is in the direction of the lines of text, so as to enlarge the available line width.

When the fit-box mode is set to “fit-contents”, the text block cannot be resized because its size is calculated on the current text.
