HighDesign R7 Release Notes

Version: 2022.2.2086 Status: Released

New features, changes & improvements

  • Supports macOS 13 Ventura.
  • New Tracing Reference displays another sheet with adjustable opacity, angle, position, scale, clipping and rendering effect. Tracing references are used to place a view of another drawing on a sheet with different coordinates, scale and rotation without altering the original drawing.
  • Saved projects now open with the last active view and zoom.
  • Bezier Path:
  • New Node Type property to change a node’s geometry and tangents. Nodes can be straight (i.e. no control points) or have mirrored, asymmetric or disconnected control points.
  • improved construction and editing.
  • improved redraw speed and accuracy.



  • Project Views are now available on HighDesign SE.
  • HD-94 Changing stroke or fill colour of a selected symbol should work regardless of its “Colours by symbol” setting.
  • HD-122 Improved handling of insufficient privileges when trying to open a project.
  • HD-94 Changing stroke or fill colour of a selected symbol should work regardless of its “Colours by symbol” setting

Bug Fixes

  1. HD-136 Snap to viewports does not work correctly in all situations.
  2. HD-135 The Snaps panel and the Snaps menu are not synchronized
  3. HD-134 Viewports are slow when moved
  4. HD-133 Images could show the gradient control points when selected
  5. HD-132 Input fields do not show the correct cursor when the stepper control is visible
  6. HD-131 Occasional crashes when closing windows with popup menu
  7. HD-129 Stretch: the preview is not displayed correctly
  8. HD-128 Pattern Hatches show artefacts when the region includes islands.
  9. HD-127 Hatches: snap to islands does not work consistently
  10. HD-126 The Arrange panel does not enable the buttons when not visible
  11. HD-125 The contextual menu of poly-line and path nodes does not open consistently
  12. HD-124 Panning with the middle mouse button does not update the parameters of the current view
  13. HD-123 Linear Multiply tool does not show the correct preview
  14. HD-121 Text boxes are not resized correctly when edited by one side
  15. HD-120 Selected text boxes do not show the Move cursor when the pointer is over the centre
  16. HD-119 Editing a text box with a frame does not show the correct preview
  17. HD-118 Windows: on normal resolution displays, hairlines are not visible when antialiasing is off
  18. HD-117 Linear hatches are not scaled correctly
  19. HD-116 Fill opacity is not set consistently in exported pdf
  20. HD-115 DXF: doors were not exported to dxf/dwg
  21. HD-114 Text tool: selecting a font from the menu of the Text Style toolbar did not apply the font to new text
  22. HD-113 Object Info Paper Size panel did not show the custom paper size after it was selected
  23. HD-112 Object Info Sheet properties did not refresh correctly when collapsed
  24. HD-111 Exception OutOfBoundsException in LXSheetManager
  25. HD-110 Changing drawing scale from Object Info does not scale sheet correctly
  26. HD-109 Viewports: rotated images are not displayed correctly
  27. HD-108 Exception NilObjectException in LXUtilsLib
  28. HD-107 View position occasionally jumps to an incorrect location when zooming in and out with the scroll wheel
  29. HD-106 Undo/Redo Move does not update sheet bounds
  30. HD-105 Exception NilObjectException in LXLinearHatch
  31. HD-104 Duplicating a construction line resulted in corrupted equation of the original line
  32. HD-103 New Style by Selection does not work
  33. HD-102 Exception NilObjectException in LXProjectBrowser
  34. HD-101 Select All shows selected guides regardless of the Hide Construction Line option
  35. HD-100 Exception NilObjectException in ImageInspector
  36. HD-99 Exception NilObjectException in LXoRadialDimension
  37. HD-98 Exception OutOfBoundsException in LXDetailSheet
  38. HD-93 Images exported at 72 DPI do not apply antialiasing
  39. HD-92 Increment arrows in value fields are not always accessible
  40. HD-91 Edit Group workspace: editing commands open their option panel on top of the Edit Group palette
  41. HD-90 Edit Group workspace: deleting an object does not update the edited group
  42. HD-85 Crash deleting a line in Edit Group workspace
  43. HD-84 Text tool: Pressing the space bar when editing a text activates another tool and cancels the text input box.
  44. HD-83 DWG/DXF: imported dimension text size is 0 in some files
  45. HD-82 DWG: Annotations open out of scale
  46. HD-81 Exception NilObjectException in PSProjectInfoPane
  47. HD-80 Exception NilObjectException in LXDocument
  48. HD-79 Exception NilObjectException in Texture
  49. HD-78 The Symbol Properties window does not locate the selected symbol correctly.
  50. HD-77 Internal error in text rendering
  51. HD-76 Rectangle: scaling does not work consistently.
  52. HD-75 Groups: resizing by one handle can occasionally flip the member objects.
  53. HD-74 Object Info: the Sheet info pane does not hide its content when collapsed in the Sidebar
  54. HD-73 Styles Manager: error prevents the Delete Style button from correctly opening the Replace Style dialogue.
  55. HD-72 DWG/DXF: error reading the Header of a file.
  56. HD-71 Minor internal error occurs when quitting the app.
  57. HD-70 Offset: after exiting the command, the select/deselect functions do not work properly.
  58. HD-69 Cursor does not change to arrow when entering a floating panel
  59. HD-68 Files created with previous versions: symbols are no longer linked to files in library
  60. HD-67 Point highlight is scaled with the zoom factor
  61. HD-66 Constrain Tangent does not work on arcs
  62. HD-64 The function of the intersection is incorrect
  63. HD-61 Ticket #963430 - DropDown menu with 2 screens
  64. HD-60 Ticket #633371 - Object selection on 2nd screen
  65. HD-57 Hatches do not redraw when they are inside a group and in a special workspace
  66. HD-55 Window > Panels > Restore Defaults opens duplicate panels
  67. HD-54 When working on a 2nd screen drop down menus from the tool bar always open on the main screen. Also see photo attached.
  68. HD-52 Exception OutOfMemoryException in LXVectorObject.Read_2017
  69. HD-51 Exception NilObjectException in LXGraphics.PlotText
  70. HD-50 “Graphic Attributes” panel name overflows the available space when the sidebar is collapsed.
  71. HD-46 Exception NilObjectException in LXoRectangle.Rendering
  72. HD-45 Exception OutOfBoundsException in LXoWindow.DrawSliding
  73. HD-44 Exception NilObjectException in App.setMenuIcons
  74. HD-43 Exception NilObjectException in LXoText.UpdateGeometry
  75. HD-42 Exception NilObjectException in LXoLine.Intersecting
  76. HD-41 Exception OutOfBoundsException in LXEditMethods.MoveObjectsToLayer
  77. HD-40 Exception IOException in LXStandardsManager
  78. HD-39 Exception NilObjectException in LXoLine
  79. HD-38 Exception NilObjectException in RMLayersPane
  80. HD-37 The Constrain Aligned button does not return to a normal state after cancelling the command
  81. HD-36 The Snap panel opens with an incorrect height when the sidebar is collapsed
  82. HD-33 Resizing a window by its handles does not always update the host wall
  83. HD-32 The Offset command does not work with Bezier paths
  84. HD-31 Exception NilObjectException in Boundary
  85. HD-27 Exception OutOfBoundsException in LXoBSpline
  86. HD-22 Exception UnsupportedFormatException in LXUtilities.getRelativeFolderitem
  87. HD-21 Exception NilObjectException in LXVectorObject.LinkObject
  88. HD-20 Exception IllegalCastException in LXToolSymbols.OverlayAction
  89. HD-19 Exception NilObjectException in LXoHatch.Rendering
  90. HD-18 Exception OutOfBoundsException in LXoGroup.DrawSelected
  91. HD-17 Exception OutOfBoundsException in LXoViewport.RebuildBuffer
  92. HD-16 Exception NilObjectException in LXoHatch.PrepareHatching
  93. HD-15 Exception NilObjectException in RMLinesPane.EnableActionButtons
  94. HD-14 Exception NilObjectException in LXoArc.SettingBounds
  95. HD-13 Exception NilObjectException in LXmBezierPath.EditMoveGx
  96. HD-12 Exception NilObjectException in DXFOutlet.Export
  97. HD-11 Exception NilObjectException in LXmHatch.Edit_StretchVertexMoveGx
  98. HD-10 Exception IllegalCastException in LXStylesManager.AutoCreateTypes
  99. HD-9 Exception NilObjectException in FileExchange.DXFAvailable
  100. HD-8 Exception IllegalCastException in LXoHatch.Rendering
  101. HD-7 Exception NilObjectException in LXStylesManager.Apply
  102. HD-6 Exception NilObjectException in LXUtilities.CenterChildWindow
  103. HD-5 Exception in EditSymbolPalette
  104. HD-4 Exception in App
  105. HD-3 Exception in LXoXRefElement
  106. HD-2 Exception in LXoViewport
  107. HD-1 Exception in LXoText
