About Shared Resources

A project resource is a loadable item that can be used in the project as is or in a modified version. Layer sets, line types, hatches, styles are all project resources. HighDesign includes standard libraries of resources and, in the SE and Pro editions, offers the ability to create new resources and store them in custom libraries.

A resource item is similar to a template: when you load a resource into the current project, HighDesign makes a copy of that resource that can be modified locally in that specific project without affecting the other resources loaded in other projects.

Editing the original resource file is also possible for custom resources, and a project can be updated to use a new version of a resource by reloading it. Default items that are located in the HighDesign library cannot be edited, but they can be duplicated and edited as custom items.


In HighDesign, resources like line types, hatch types, and symbols can be stored in three libraries:

  • the HighDesign Library is internal and cannot be edited
  • the User Library extends the internal library with all the custom resources created by you
  • the Project Library includes the items loaded in the project and can include any imported resources that are available in the current project only.

HighDesign LT does not support custom libraries: new resources are automatically created inside the current project.

The Resource Manager

The Resource Manager window allows you to load line types, hatches, styles and other resources into your project. In HighDesign SE and Pro, the Resource Manager also allows you to organize your libraries of re-usable resources and create new items. Select Project ▸ Resource Manager to open it.

Use this window to organize the resources, load items into the project, create and duplicate resources.

Topics in this section
  • Layers manager
  • Line-types manager
  • Hatch patterns manager
  • Colors and Pens manager
  • Styles and Types manager