Text Tool Settings

Use the Text settings window to set and edit the parameters of the text object. This panel includes five sections: font style and alignments, spacings, writing direction, border and box behavior.


Font Style and Alignments

Use this section to define the default font properties and horizontal and vertical alignments of the text inside the block. You can select the following properties:

  • Font face, selectable from the list of font families installed in your system. You can also access the Font Panel to select a different typeface (only supported for the entire text object).
  • Text size, in any supported measurement unit; open the pop-down menu to select a different unit.Ā 
  • Text style (bold, italic and underline) of the entire block.
  • Alignment (left, centered, right; top, middle, bottom), in both multiline texts and single line labels.

Some values such as font style and size can be overridden by character styles.


Use these fields to specify character and line spacing.

  • Character spacing is the distance in points between each character. You can enter positive values, to create extended text styles, or negative value to create a condensed text style.
  • Line spacing is the distance between lines of text. The default value is 1.0, which means that each line is rendered exactly under the previous line with no offset. Positive values increase the distance and negative values reduce it.
Writing Direction

You can specify if the text lines are entered and rendered from left to right, or right to left.


Text blocks can optionally display a border around the text. The available shapes are:

  • None. The text block shows no border.
  • Rectangle
  • Oval, or “pill” shape
  • Diamond
  • Hexagon
  • Circle

You can also specify a border color and a padding, that is the distance of the text from the border.

Auto-fit box

Auto-fit box options: fixed size, flexible height, fit-text. When flexible height is active, the height of the box adjusts to the number of lines of text.

NOTE To set the color of the entire text box, use the colors menu on the Properties Bar.Ā