Import a Worksheet

You can import data from another software using the XLSX (Excel worksheet) and .CSV (Comma-Separated-Values).

Insert a Worksheet

  1. To import data from a worksheet, choose Project ‣ Insert ‣ Table.
  2. The data will be converted to a HighDesign table. Click on the drawing area to insert it.

The Excel (.xlsx) file format retains formatting and sizes, while CSV is a data-only format. In the latter case, HighDesign creates a table using the current default parameters for row height, column width and text style. Once inserted, the table can be edited and formatted as needed.


The inserted table keeps a link to the original file whenever possible. That means that you can update the contents of the table in HighDesign at any time when the original file is being edited in another software.

To update the data in a table, select it and press the Reload From File button.

Reloading the data updates the content of the table and adds rows and columns as required by the data, but does not change the current formatting style of the table.