Door Tool Settings

To open the tool settings of doors, select Edit ▸ Settings Window ▸ Door… or double-click the tool icon. You can load an existing Door Type if available or customize the door by selecting its family and setting all the parameters and options. Current settings can be saved as new types by pressing the Add icon.

The Door tool settings window includes two panels: Geometry and Options.


Door Geometry

Use this panel to configure the parameters that define the shape and size of the door, such as width, height, reveal type, etc. The panel is provides the following options:

  • Family. Open the drop-down menu to select the door family from the list. The available families include:
  • empty opening
  • simple door, a symbolic representation of a door
  • swinging doors
  • bypass sliding doors
  • surface sliding doors
  • pocket doors
  • folding doors


Door Options

Use this panel to specify the dimensions of the frame, opening directions, the optional sill and various display options.


Door Options

Use this panel to specify the dimensions of the frame, opening directions, the optional sill and various display options.

  • Frame Dimensions. Depending of the current reveal, you can specify the dimensions of the various components of the door frame.
  • Opening Direction, outward or inward.
  • Panel type. Select Glass to add a glass to the internal panel of the door.
  • Show Sill. Activate the switch to enable the controls and define external and internal offsets and widths of the sill.
  • Show Casing. Depending on the desired level of detail, you can choose to display the outside and inside casing component and specify its dimensions.
  • Display Options:
  • Select Open on opposite side to flip the opening direction.
  • Show an axis line on the middle of the opening.
  • Define the angle at which swinging door are displayed, ranging from 0° (closed door) to 90° (fully open).
  • Wall Projection. Choose whether to display one, two or no projection lines of the host wall.