Subsections of Release Notes

HighDesign R8.2 Release Notes

Version: 2024.2
Status: beta testing

New features, changes & improvements

  1. New Zone tool with automatic numbering, data label, color presets, and schedule support.
  2. Added Spanish and Portuguese translations.
  3. New, faster Help & Documentation website.
  4. New Help window with integrated access to the Help & Documentation website
  5. Fixed internal error in the creation of a new style
  6. Fixed internal error in the creation of the preview of images.
  7. DXF/DWG Export: adjusted resolution of text size.
  8. DXF/DWG Export: table cells with multi-line content are now exported correctly.
  9. DXF/DWG Export: added popup notification after a successful export.
  10. Walls: improved connections between basic and composite walls.
  11. Walls: added new Join option to disable connections to walls on different layers.
  12. Doors and windows are now better integrated into their host wall.
  13. PDF Export: improved support for texts and labels on Windows.
  14. PDF Export: on Windows, fixed situation that caused viewports to be ignored.
  15. PDF Export: on Windows, fixed rendering of gradients.
  16. Layouts sheets: the frame border is now always rendered as a continuous line.
  17. Fills menu: the global “Opacity” slider is now named “Fill Opacity” to better differentiate it from color opacity.
  18. Title Block panel: the OK button is now always enabled.
  19. Fixed bug that caused the Viewport tool to stick after editing a viewport.
  20. The Project Browser now shows the scrollbar after loading a project.
  21. Font menus are now of the correct width on Windows.
  22. Fixed the width of Window and Door family menus on high-resolution displays.
  23. Windows: fixed bug that caused long menus to not show the scrollbar on high-resolution displays.
  24. Groups: improved support for grouped walls and openings.
  25. Fixed Undo/Redo Group command applied to groups with walls.
  26. Fixed Undo/Redo Ungroup.
  27. Tables: the number of rows did not update correctly.
  28. Fixed occasional internal error caused by the project previews in the Home window.

HighDesign R8.1 Release Notes

Status: Beta testing

New features, changes & improvements

  1. Fixed crash caused by object info input fields on macOS
  2. Reordering items in the Project Browser panel now works correctly when moving an item downwards.
  3. Colors Manager: the color name field now correctly accepts the changes.
  4. Windows: the print resolution is now correct.
  5. Windows: improved user interface of several windows and panels.
  6. Windows: reordering panels of the sidebar is now smoother.
  7. Windows: improved the appearance of Edit tool panels so that the panel is more visible.
  8. Windows: Publish to PDF no longer creates unusually large files.
  9. Windows: Publish to PDF no longer crashes when arcs have certain angles.
  10. Windows: exported PDFs no longer show a border around filled regions.
  11. Windows: exported PDF now set the correct pen weights.
  12. Windows: exported PDF drawings now correctly set the transparencies.
  13. Windows: paths in exported PDF now retain their original profile.
  14. Windows: switching between open documents or opening a new document now restores the correct floating panels.
  15. Windows: rotated labels and texts are now printed correctly.
  16. Windows: some arcs in exported PDF drawings and elliptical arcs are now rendered correctly.
  17. Tables: copy and paste data from and onto cells now preserves the table structure.
  18. Tables: improved formatting for CSV exports.
  19. Tables: the toolbar no longer interferes with the popup menus.
  20. Tables: improved the Font menu.
  21. Popup menus: improved appearance and performance.
  22. Walls: changing height in Object Info now correctly updates the parameter field on the settings window.
  23. Openings: the sill height field in Object Info now correctly updates the value.
  24. Improved the Edit Pattern workspace.
  25. Tape Measure paths now reset when a new measure is created.
  26. The Tape Measure icon no longer stays highlighted after using the tool.
  27. Improved editing of tape measure objects.
  28. New viewports now show the user-defined title.
  29. Switching back to the Project workspace after using another workspace, for example the Edit Symbol or the Edit Pattern workspace, now restores the previously active layer.
  30. Snaps: when the exclusive snap to grid option is active, objects can now be snapped on click even when Snap to Objects is disabled.
  31. Polyline: improved the Arc by Center method.
  32. Polyline: improved the Arc by Tangent method.
  33. Offset: improved handling of polylines with concave arcs.
  34. Photogrammetry: improved the setup with clearer steps, modernised interface and added the ability to adjust the source image.
  35. Adjust Image: improved interface and added new Barrel Distort filter.
  36. Added a new Adjust Image button to the Object Info panel.
  37. Improved Crop Image command.
  38. Snap to objects now correctly ignores objects on locked layers.
  39. Pasting objects at the center of the current view now aligns the objects to the current grid when Snap to Grid is active.
  40. Editing text in a text block no longer locks the Arrow tool.
  41. The project now stores the default text units used by the text, dimension and annotation tools.
  42. Dimensions: added a new opaque label background option.
  43. Fixed situation in which some menu items could stay disabled and not localised after activation.
  44. Fixed custom menu shortcuts that would sometimes not be applied correctly.

HighDesign R8 Release Notes

Version: 2024.1 Status: released

New features, changes & improvements

  1. Overall speed and refresh optimizations for up to 2x performance improvements.
  2. New Table tool (SE/Pro) with support for title, headers, merged rows, functions, cell and table formatting, Excel and CSV data link.
  3. Schedules (Pro): a new project item that extracts information from the project and displays the data in table form. Schedules are live as each row is linked to the element and changes on the schedule are reflected on the element and vice-versa. Data can be defined by property filters, grouped, sorted, and displayed with totals and counts.
  4. Symbols: added new visual symbol browser.
  5. Symbol settings panel, library: a single click now selects the library item, a double-click applies the item to the selection.
  6. Symbol settings panel, library: added “Apply” menu item to the current item’s pop-up menu.
  7. Symbols now retain the original layers used the symbol was created. This allows to hide symbol elements by switching on and off their layer.
  8. Symbols: the resources used during the creation of the symbol, such as line-types, hatches and layers, are now added to the project when the symbol is first inserted.
  9. Symbols: improved support for sub-symbols contained inside the main symbol.
  10. Symbols: added new “Select All Instances” command on the pop-up menu of the Symbol Settings window.
  11. Symbols: project symbols can now be deleted when the last instance has been removed from the project.
  12. Documentation: completely revised and expanded.
  13. Redesigned the layout of tool settings panels to be narrower and use less screen space.
  14. Updated most tool and command icons for better clarity.
  15. Reorganized the Project menu and moved the Group commands to the Drawing menu.
  16. Project Units Settings: added volume units.
  17. Walls and columns: added Height parameter.
  18. Walls and columns: added fields for base area, side surface and volume in Object Info.
  19. Doors and Windows: added parameters for sill height and opening height.
  20. Doors and Windows: new on-screen controls to flip the opening direction and side.
  21. Columns can now be selected with a click inside.
  22. Hidden wall openings, for example windows placed on a hidden layer, are now rendered as rough openings.
  23. Added pop-up notifications for confirmation of operations like Export Image, publish to PDF and similar.
  24. Improved support for full screen.
  25. Improved UI on Windows.
  26. HighDesign is now a one-package application for all three editions. There is no longer a separate download for HighDesign LT.
  27. Groups now retain the original layers of the member objects so that switching off a layer hides the elements as expected, even when inside a group.
  28. The main toolbox can now be scrolled when the layout is set to one column and the visible buttons do not fit the available height.
  29. Multiple linear dimensions now offer new Baseline mode in addition to Continued.
  30. DXF/DWG: improved support for hatches with spline boundaries.
  31. DXF/DWG: added support for Table entities.
  32. Print: removed checkbox for generic printer output on macOS as no longer necessary.
  33. Improved export of images with transparent background.
  34. Texts can now be edited directly with a click over the object.
  35. Project Browser: added new contextual menu.
  36. Project Browser now remembers the state of each group.
  37. General Settings: removed the option to not include symbols in the documents as it is now on by default and required.
  38. Publish to PDF no longer automatically opens the exported file and shows instead the notification that allows to reveal the file in the Finder/File Explorer.
  39. HighDesign LT: the Print options now include the ability to print construction objects and grids.
  40. Autoscrolling now behaves more consistently, is easier to activate, supports the accelerator key (Alt) and shows a visual feedback when active.
  41. Edit Group workspace: increased margin between the group items and the dashed group bounding box.
  42. Arcs: added mid-point handle for easier snapping and resizing.
  43. Find Objects panel: improved layout and added support for Cmd/Ctrl- W command to close the window.
  44. The Tool Settings window can now be moved to a different location on screen.
  45. Miscellaneous speed improvements on data loading and user interface items.
  46. Viewport: when selected, a new on-screen button allows quick access to the viewport’s settings panels.

Bug Fixes

HighDesign R7.1.1 Release Notes

Version: 2023.1.1.2184Status: Released

Fixes and Improvements

  • Arc tool: double-clicking could occasionally create incomplete circle objects.
  • Filled arcs and ellipses did not render correctly.
  • Fixed theme support on some windows and panels.
  • Mac App Store: fixed internal error in the Print command.
  • Canvas grid: major divisions are now visible at any zoom factor.
  • Canvas grid: improved refresh speed and reduced the appearance of the spinning wheel on macOS.
  • Project Window: zooming with the mouse wheel now works correctly when the window is not frontmost.
  • Windows: chequered markers were not rendered correctly.
  • The Report Internal Error window, that opens when automatic reports are disabled, did not work correctly.
  • Mac App Store: implemented error reporting.
  • Mac App Store: fixed internal error using the new Export Image window.
  • Rewritten the Delete Duplicates command.
  • Improved speed and responsiveness while using splines and hatches.
  • Simplify Spline now supports hatches and is renamed as Simplify Shape.
  • Saving a symbol through the Project > New Symbol from Selection did not work correctly.
  • Symbol settings panel: a new drop-down menu opens in place of the Edit icon.
  • Project Views panel: improved readability of the view name.
  • Help menu: added commands to restore the default settings for application, print setup and keyboard shortcuts.
  • Added safety checks to prevent occasional freezes opening damaged drawings.
  • Double-clicking a document in the Finder / File Explorer no longer opens an additional document with the default template when the Home window is disabled.
  • Mac: restored the ability to open PDF images from the Insert Image command.

HighDesign R7.1 Release Notes

Version: 2023.1.2172Status: Released

New Features and Improvements

  • Added a new Home Window as the central hub for creating and opening documents, browsing recent documents and templates. Project files now include a thumbnail for easier browsing.
  • Boolean operations for polygons: overlapped polygonal shapes (hatches, polylines, rectangles and regular polygons) can now be intersected with Union, Subtraction, Intersection and Exclusion operations.
  • New Share panel provides access to the settings to export the current drawing as an image file. The new panel includes a live preview of the exported file and controls for proportional and custom sizing, multiple units, background fill, drawing filters and the file format-specific options.
  • Added support for new image file formats: TGA, WebP and HDR.
  • Faster document loading.
  • Importing large DWG/DXF files is 3x faster.
  • DWG/DXF: a new window shows the progress of the import process and allows the user to cancel the operation.
  • DWG/DXF: added support for Wipeout entities.
  • Application Settings: new settings for the Nudge command allow to define the unit and amount of the offset.
  • Images are now displayed at 50% transparency during Move and Duplicate commands so that they do not cover the drawing objects underneath.
  • The Insert Image command now shows a thumbnail of the image being inserted.
  • Project views now store the sheet display mode (fully transparent, dimmed, opaque).
  • New “What’s New in HighDesign” window.
  • New floating buttons in Layout sheets to insert a new viewport and access the title block menu.
  • Improved editing of title block attributes.
  • Changed the Arc/Circle labels on the Object Info panel to show more descriptive texts.
  • The input field on the Multiply, Resize and Rotate panels now accepts the input automatically without requiring the user to press Enter.
  • Added standard North American paper sizes to the page size chooser.
  • Improved the visual feedback of the Rotate command.
  • Improved the refresh speed on Windows.
  • Fillet and Chamfer are now easier to use and more consistent.
  • Improved Snap to Alignments: the alignment points are now more visible and distinct from snap point markers. The middle point between two alignment points is now more visible and the snap point is acquired with more accuracy.
  • Snapping is now more accurate and consistent. Improved the UI of pre-selection points for vertices and mid-points.
  • Improved creation and editing of symbol attributes.
  • LT: added option to print the selected objects only.
  • Project Window: added icons on the titlebar for quick access to Application settings, Project Settings and Resource Manager.
  • Layers panel: added new Duplicate Layer item in the contextual menu.
  • Styles panel: double-clicking a style now applies the style to all selected objects.
  • Selection: improved the refresh speed and the alignment of the focus indicator on segments.
  • Project Settings > Information: improved responsiveness for data input and added support for the Tab key to navigate through the table rows.
  • App Settings > Templates: redesigned the panel.
  • The Resource Manager window now opens at the last used position in the current session.


Bug Fixes

  • HD-12 Exception in DXFOutlet.Export
  • HD-32 The Offset command does not work with Bezier paths
  • HD-40 Exception IOException
  • HD-52 Exception OutOfMemoryException
  • HD-67 Point highlight is scaled with the zoom factor
  • HD-105 Exception NilObjectException
  • HD-108 Exception NilObjectException
  • HD-111 Exception OutOfBoundsException in sheets
  • HD-146 Object Info: some panels could scroll above the panel header
  • HD-147 The live preview of the Mirror command does not always show the objects
  • HD-150 Images are opaque while being moved
  • HD-152 Exception in viewports,
  • HD-153 Exception in annotations.
  • HD-154 Exception in annotations.
  • HD-155 Exception in texts.
  • HD-156 Exception in detail areas.
  • HD-157 Annotations with curve and arc leader lines show their label centred on the end point
  • HD-158 DXF/DWG: hatch boundaries with arc segments are not converted correctly
  • HD-159 DWG/DXF: dimension text size is incorrect in some instances
  • HD-160 DWG/DXF: arc coordinates are not converted correctly under certain circumstances
  • HD-161 DWG/DXF: importing is slow with large files
  • HD-164 DWG/DXF: layouts are not imported correctly
  • HD-165 DWG/DXF: Chinese characters are not converted correctly in some files
  • HD-168 Exception in LXToolPropertiesPane
  • HD-171 Exception in Layers panel.
  • HD-176 Exception in Print Manager
  • HD-177 Exception in Main Window
  • HD-178 Editing an object over a trace reference does not work correctly.
  • HD-182 The Trace Reference panel in Object Info does not show the Filter menu
  • HD-185 Symbol shadows are rendered with transparency if the symbol contains transparent fills
  • HD-188 Styles: the object shadow settings need a switch to define the shadow as On/Off
  • HD-191 Zoom out with mouse wheel goes from 300% to 100%
  • HD-196 Shadow offset and blur sizes should be expressed in points, not pixels
  • Annotations with no leader line could not be inserted properly.
  • Fixed situations in which the graphic settings of a drawing, like shadows or line dash patterns, were not reset correctly.
  • The size of viewports that fit the contained drawing is now correct for rotated drawings.
  • On Windows, the Control-V shortcut overlapped New Project view.
  • Trace references: snap to the trace reference border is now enabled only with the Arrow tool.
  • Changing the layer of multiple selected objects did not work correctly when the destination layer was hidden.
  • Fixed angular units when the current angle units are set to surveyor’s units, i.e. with Azimuth or Bearings.
  • Compound walls did not show the hatches of the internal components with their intended colour.
  • Improved the behaviour of the popup-menu with tool-specific options (ex. the options menu of the Polyline tool).
  • Bezier paths did not properly support the Stretch command.
  • Viewports rotated to 270° could show incorrect drawing elements.
  • Improved the Offset command applied to polylines.
  • Resizing a group now shows the correct preview.
  • Fixed “Jiggle” special lines.
  • Fixed the maximum height of the selection menu on Object Info panel.
  • Object Info: the counter of selected items and the arrows used to navigate through the selection did not work correctly.
  • Mac: fixed an offset of texts and images when printing with the generic printer driver.
  • Fixed an offset of texts in viewports.
  • Zooming in and out with the scroll wheel did not retain the correct snap point.
  • Fixed circular and oval text shapes.
  • Fixed scaling of groups that contain scale-dependent symbols.
  • Removed cause of disappearing symbol items.
  • Hidden symbol attributes were computed in the bounds of the symbol.
  • Pressing Esc to cancel a bezier path now works consistently.
  • The Zoom to Fit command could fail when the zoomed sheet was empty.
  • Closing the Project Settings window while editing a Project Info value now saves the data being entered.
  • Made sure only symbols are listed in the Symbols table.
  • Full circles in symbols did not use the user-defined fill color.
  • Closed a memory leak generated by opening and closing documents.
  • Angular dimensions did not work when Snap to Objects was turned off.
  • Fixed a situation where certain lines could not be selected.
  • Zooming with the scroll wheel on symbols when the Snap to sub-items was active no longer changes the center of view erratically.
  • Project Window: fixed resizing of the sidebar.
  • Project Window: fixed the scrollbars.
  • Resource Manager > Colors: fixed the editing of colour HSV and CMY values.
  • Color palettes: fixed synchronization between library and project palettes.
  • Fractional units are now consistent in the display of leading zero’s.
  • Project Settings > Units: improved the sample texts for zero-suppression options.
  • Improved support for theme switching.
  • Improved support for changes to language.
  • Windows: fixed shortcuts that use the Alt button.
  • macOS: reordered the Window menu.
  • Sidebar: when collapsed, all tabs are rendered with the same background color.
  • The Toolbox on the Project window did not correctly handle smaller displays.
  • The default template setting did not work correctly after installing an update.
  • The timer in Project Information that tracks the time spent on the project did not start at 0 when opening a template.

HighDesign R7 Release Notes

Version: 2022.2.2086 Status: Released

New features, changes & improvements

  • Supports macOS 13 Ventura.
  • New Tracing Reference displays another sheet with adjustable opacity, angle, position, scale, clipping and rendering effect. Tracing references are used to place a view of another drawing on a sheet with different coordinates, scale and rotation without altering the original drawing.
  • Saved projects now open with the last active view and zoom.
  • Bezier Path:
  • New Node Type property to change a node’s geometry and tangents. Nodes can be straight (i.e. no control points) or have mirrored, asymmetric or disconnected control points.
  • improved construction and editing.
  • improved redraw speed and accuracy.



  • Project Views are now available on HighDesign SE.
  • HD-94 Changing stroke or fill colour of a selected symbol should work regardless of its “Colours by symbol” setting.
  • HD-122 Improved handling of insufficient privileges when trying to open a project.
  • HD-94 Changing stroke or fill colour of a selected symbol should work regardless of its “Colours by symbol” setting

Bug Fixes

  1. HD-136 Snap to viewports does not work correctly in all situations.
  2. HD-135 The Snaps panel and the Snaps menu are not synchronized
  3. HD-134 Viewports are slow when moved
  4. HD-133 Images could show the gradient control points when selected
  5. HD-132 Input fields do not show the correct cursor when the stepper control is visible
  6. HD-131 Occasional crashes when closing windows with popup menu
  7. HD-129 Stretch: the preview is not displayed correctly
  8. HD-128 Pattern Hatches show artefacts when the region includes islands.
  9. HD-127 Hatches: snap to islands does not work consistently
  10. HD-126 The Arrange panel does not enable the buttons when not visible
  11. HD-125 The contextual menu of poly-line and path nodes does not open consistently
  12. HD-124 Panning with the middle mouse button does not update the parameters of the current view
  13. HD-123 Linear Multiply tool does not show the correct preview
  14. HD-121 Text boxes are not resized correctly when edited by one side
  15. HD-120 Selected text boxes do not show the Move cursor when the pointer is over the centre
  16. HD-119 Editing a text box with a frame does not show the correct preview
  17. HD-118 Windows: on normal resolution displays, hairlines are not visible when antialiasing is off
  18. HD-117 Linear hatches are not scaled correctly
  19. HD-116 Fill opacity is not set consistently in exported pdf
  20. HD-115 DXF: doors were not exported to dxf/dwg
  21. HD-114 Text tool: selecting a font from the menu of the Text Style toolbar did not apply the font to new text
  22. HD-113 Object Info Paper Size panel did not show the custom paper size after it was selected
  23. HD-112 Object Info Sheet properties did not refresh correctly when collapsed
  24. HD-111 Exception OutOfBoundsException in LXSheetManager
  25. HD-110 Changing drawing scale from Object Info does not scale sheet correctly
  26. HD-109 Viewports: rotated images are not displayed correctly
  27. HD-108 Exception NilObjectException in LXUtilsLib
  28. HD-107 View position occasionally jumps to an incorrect location when zooming in and out with the scroll wheel
  29. HD-106 Undo/Redo Move does not update sheet bounds
  30. HD-105 Exception NilObjectException in LXLinearHatch
  31. HD-104 Duplicating a construction line resulted in corrupted equation of the original line
  32. HD-103 New Style by Selection does not work
  33. HD-102 Exception NilObjectException in LXProjectBrowser
  34. HD-101 Select All shows selected guides regardless of the Hide Construction Line option
  35. HD-100 Exception NilObjectException in ImageInspector
  36. HD-99 Exception NilObjectException in LXoRadialDimension
  37. HD-98 Exception OutOfBoundsException in LXDetailSheet
  38. HD-93 Images exported at 72 DPI do not apply antialiasing
  39. HD-92 Increment arrows in value fields are not always accessible
  40. HD-91 Edit Group workspace: editing commands open their option panel on top of the Edit Group palette
  41. HD-90 Edit Group workspace: deleting an object does not update the edited group
  42. HD-85 Crash deleting a line in Edit Group workspace
  43. HD-84 Text tool: Pressing the space bar when editing a text activates another tool and cancels the text input box.
  44. HD-83 DWG/DXF: imported dimension text size is 0 in some files
  45. HD-82 DWG: Annotations open out of scale
  46. HD-81 Exception NilObjectException in PSProjectInfoPane
  47. HD-80 Exception NilObjectException in LXDocument
  48. HD-79 Exception NilObjectException in Texture
  49. HD-78 The Symbol Properties window does not locate the selected symbol correctly.
  50. HD-77 Internal error in text rendering
  51. HD-76 Rectangle: scaling does not work consistently.
  52. HD-75 Groups: resizing by one handle can occasionally flip the member objects.
  53. HD-74 Object Info: the Sheet info pane does not hide its content when collapsed in the Sidebar
  54. HD-73 Styles Manager: error prevents the Delete Style button from correctly opening the Replace Style dialogue.
  55. HD-72 DWG/DXF: error reading the Header of a file.
  56. HD-71 Minor internal error occurs when quitting the app.
  57. HD-70 Offset: after exiting the command, the select/deselect functions do not work properly.
  58. HD-69 Cursor does not change to arrow when entering a floating panel
  59. HD-68 Files created with previous versions: symbols are no longer linked to files in library
  60. HD-67 Point highlight is scaled with the zoom factor
  61. HD-66 Constrain Tangent does not work on arcs
  62. HD-64 The function of the intersection is incorrect
  63. HD-61 Ticket #963430 - DropDown menu with 2 screens
  64. HD-60 Ticket #633371 - Object selection on 2nd screen
  65. HD-57 Hatches do not redraw when they are inside a group and in a special workspace
  66. HD-55 Window > Panels > Restore Defaults opens duplicate panels
  67. HD-54 When working on a 2nd screen drop down menus from the tool bar always open on the main screen. Also see photo attached.
  68. HD-52 Exception OutOfMemoryException in LXVectorObject.Read_2017
  69. HD-51 Exception NilObjectException in LXGraphics.PlotText
  70. HD-50 “Graphic Attributes” panel name overflows the available space when the sidebar is collapsed.
  71. HD-46 Exception NilObjectException in LXoRectangle.Rendering
  72. HD-45 Exception OutOfBoundsException in LXoWindow.DrawSliding
  73. HD-44 Exception NilObjectException in App.setMenuIcons
  74. HD-43 Exception NilObjectException in LXoText.UpdateGeometry
  75. HD-42 Exception NilObjectException in LXoLine.Intersecting
  76. HD-41 Exception OutOfBoundsException in LXEditMethods.MoveObjectsToLayer
  77. HD-40 Exception IOException in LXStandardsManager
  78. HD-39 Exception NilObjectException in LXoLine
  79. HD-38 Exception NilObjectException in RMLayersPane
  80. HD-37 The Constrain Aligned button does not return to a normal state after cancelling the command
  81. HD-36 The Snap panel opens with an incorrect height when the sidebar is collapsed
  82. HD-33 Resizing a window by its handles does not always update the host wall
  83. HD-32 The Offset command does not work with Bezier paths
  84. HD-31 Exception NilObjectException in Boundary
  85. HD-27 Exception OutOfBoundsException in LXoBSpline
  86. HD-22 Exception UnsupportedFormatException in LXUtilities.getRelativeFolderitem
  87. HD-21 Exception NilObjectException in LXVectorObject.LinkObject
  88. HD-20 Exception IllegalCastException in LXToolSymbols.OverlayAction
  89. HD-19 Exception NilObjectException in LXoHatch.Rendering
  90. HD-18 Exception OutOfBoundsException in LXoGroup.DrawSelected
  91. HD-17 Exception OutOfBoundsException in LXoViewport.RebuildBuffer
  92. HD-16 Exception NilObjectException in LXoHatch.PrepareHatching
  93. HD-15 Exception NilObjectException in RMLinesPane.EnableActionButtons
  94. HD-14 Exception NilObjectException in LXoArc.SettingBounds
  95. HD-13 Exception NilObjectException in LXmBezierPath.EditMoveGx
  96. HD-12 Exception NilObjectException in DXFOutlet.Export
  97. HD-11 Exception NilObjectException in LXmHatch.Edit_StretchVertexMoveGx
  98. HD-10 Exception IllegalCastException in LXStylesManager.AutoCreateTypes
  99. HD-9 Exception NilObjectException in FileExchange.DXFAvailable
  100. HD-8 Exception IllegalCastException in LXoHatch.Rendering
  101. HD-7 Exception NilObjectException in LXStylesManager.Apply
  102. HD-6 Exception NilObjectException in LXUtilities.CenterChildWindow
  103. HD-5 Exception in EditSymbolPalette
  104. HD-4 Exception in App
  105. HD-3 Exception in LXoXRefElement
  106. HD-2 Exception in LXoViewport
  107. HD-1 Exception in LXoText


HighDesign R6.5 Release Notes

Status: Released

New features, changes & improvements

[icon name=“desktop” prefix=“fas”] APPLICATION

HighDesign R6.0.2 Release Notes

Changes and Improvements

  1. Speed optimizations: HighDesign 6.0.2 is ~8.5% faster than version 6.0.1.
  2. Annotations with Spline leader style now calculate automatically the best profile for the leader. As a result, it is no longer possible to define the tangents of a spline leader.

Bug Fixes

HighDesign R6.0.1 Release Notes

Bug Fixes

  1. The clipping of some objects in underlays was not accurate.
  2. Items that have been ungrouped could not be deleted.
  3. Dashed construction lines no longer scale with the current zoom.
  4. Corrected situation that could freeze the app when moving large groups with sub-groups.
  5. Layer names are now always regarded as case-sensitive.
  6. Printing a drawing when the sheet display mode is set to “Hide Others” (isolate) now works correctly.
  7. Removing a layer and changing the layer of the objects now works on all types of sheet.
  8. DXF/DWG out: improved formatting of exported multi-line texts.
  9. DXF/DWG out: the coordinates of single leader lines were incorrect under certain circumstances.
  10. DXF/DWG out: fixed the view settings when the exported drawing contains one horizontal or vertical line.
  11. DXF/DWG out: single-vertex polylines are no longer exported.
  12. Improved the appearance of the focus highlight area that is drawn when the pointer is over the Object Info or Project Browser panes.
  13. Layers pane and Layers manager panel: attempting to rename or add a layer with the same, case-sensitive name as another layer now shows an alert.
  14. Changing the UI theme in the Preferences window now works correctly.
  15. Objects near the window border no longer disappear from view when zooming in.
  16. The view of new drafting sheets now shows the origin of the axes in the lower-left corner.
  17. Clicking outside the text field on Project Browser, Layers pane and other panes now accept the changes instead of reverting to the previous text.
  18. Improved the appearance of disabled buttons in dark theme.
  19. Made sure that entered or modified resource names are treated in the correct text encoding.
  20. The File > Close command now closes the Welcome window when it is in front of other windows.
  21. Fixed clipping of dimension labels when printed in a detail area.
  22. Replaced the sounds for “Done” and “Project View” actions.
  23. Updated the background color of popup menus on macOS.
  24. Fixed output of negative values expressed in fractional inches.
  25. The Units pane in Project Settings did not show the correct fractional precision.
  26. Fixed several glitches in the Project Views pane.
  27. DXF/DWG: improved the export of multi-line texts and fixed the text encoding of the exported text values.
  28. Windows: fixed a number visual issues in the Resource Manager.

HighDesign R6 Release Notes





Bug Fixes

  1. Duplicating a layout no longer reverts the new layout’s paper size to project defaults.
  2. Fixed regression bug that prevented images with alpha channel (PNG, Tiff) to load properly.
  3. Images with resolution lower than 72 DPI now render correctly.
  4. Creating a new drafting sheet when the current sheet is a layout did not update the screen.
  5. Undo/Redo commands applied to the Delete Sheet command did not work correctly.
  6. Extend command now is more accurate at picking the intersection points closer to the click.
  7. Search by pen-weight now works correctly in saved projects.
  8. Lines returned by the Explode command applied to rectangles did not keep their parent rectangle’s graphic properties.
  9. Objects returned by the Trim command applied to polylines did not keep their parent polyline’s graphic properties.
  10. Dimension tick marks were not visible in viewports.
  11. Edit commands did not properly update the values on Object Info.
  12. Fixed editing of radial dimensions by the end point.
  13. Fixed commands Rotate, Rotate by Angle, Mirror and Mirror a Copy applied to images.
  14. The keyboard shortcuts for Pan and Zoom did not work when the icons where placed on the main toolbar.
  15. Fixed Viewport styles.
  16. Fixed Duplicate and Multiply commands when applied to elements with advanced settings.
  17. Transfer To Sheet and Duplicate to Sheet commands did not properly rebuild the sheet bounds.
  18. DWG/DXF Import: fixed the height of multi-line text boxes; fixed parsing of indented list items.
  19. Changing the visibility or lock status of a layer via pop-up alerts did not update the Layers panel.
  20. Editing the contents of a selected text object inside a group is now possible again.
  21. Images: added safety checks to make sure the image is loaded correctly in saved documents.
  22. The Paste Attributes command did not apply the correct attributes to composite elements like hatches.
  23. The Convert Blocks command did not work correctly with DWG files whose file name contained non-ASCII characters.
  24. PDF: texts could occasionally be clipped and wrapped to an incorrect width.
  25. Ordinate dimensions now honour the label orientation setting.
  26. Transfer to New Sheet did not create the destination sheet.
  27. Object Info could occasionally show the “lock proportions” button when it was not needed.
  28. Tool Settings Window: fixed width of the style popup so that it does not overlap with buttons.
  29. Angular dimensions now honour label orientation settings and support custom label positions.
  30. The command Project > Layers > Mask Other Layers did not work correctly.
  31. [Mac] The Welcome window no longer opens on closing a document regardless of the preference set in the General tab.
  32. Importing a DWG/DXF after exporting now sets the correct measurement units.
  33. The Styles panel now updates correctly after selecting a style from the Styles popup.
  34. When switching from a modified style to any other item in the list, the Styles panel now restores the correct colors.
  35. The Project Browser now highlights the bounds of a sheet only when the Drawing Sheet display mode is not set to Hide Others.
  36. Undo Duplicate, when applied to walls, did not remove all the walls involved in the operation.
  37. Redo New Object did not connect walls and openings correctly.
  38. New doors and windows no longer take the host wall’s pen colour and size.
  39. Walls: fixed bug that caused the wall to modify the global default stroke settings.
  40. Walls: multi-wall nodes where two walls were parallel did not build correct joints.
  41. Duplicated groups that contain walls now preserve the correct connections between the walls.
  42. Duplicate works correctly when applied to walls.
  43. Corrected the Duplicate command applied to doors and windows.
  44. Linear Multiply did not work when applied to doors and windows.
  45. Fixed Move and Duplicate commands applied to groups containing walls and openings.
  46. Corrected a visual error that occurred randomly in the selection of windows.
  47. Closed some memory leaks.
  48. Activating the Y/H input field by pushing tab was not handled as “Height”.
  49. Texts in rotated viewports now render correctly.
  50. Viewport Settings Panel: when the viewport’s base units are imperial, the scale menu did not open correctly and did not handle the scale notation mode button.
  51. Rotated text label: fixed the auto-sizing of the input box.
  52. Restored the command Fit Text Box to Contents.
  53. Optimized and improved the behavior of popup menus.
  54. Restored the ability to insert images by Paste, image drop and image file drop.
  55. Better handling of errors generated by attempts to open a document without the required privileges.
  56. Improved import of DWG/DXF Multileader entities.
  57. Improved conversion of DWG/DXF layouts.
  58. Fixed an error that would cause the Save command to fail silently when the file and the application support folder were on a NAS volume.
  59. Updating a symbol now correctly updates its instances in the project.
  60. Object Info: the Detail info panel no longer opens with the incorrect height.
  61. Fixed appearance of pop-up windows (styles browser, pop-up panels, etc.).
  62. Graphics: improved the appearance of objects when the high-resolution rendering is active.
  63. Photogrammetry: fixed Select All command; improved rendering of perspective grids and measure lines.
  64. Drawing Presentation: updated the default sizes for Instagram.
  65. Fixed situation that could cause loss of the project data.
  66. DWG/DXF: improved conversion of TABLE entities.
  67. DWG/DXF: improved parsing of styled texts.
  68. Printing isolated sheets did not work correctly.
  69. Door frames are now printed with their correct thickness.
  70. The Publish to PDF dialog now reports the layout numbers.
  71. Project symbols with no associated file in the library can now be edited.
  72. Fixed intersection points of rotated ellipses.
  73. Fixed symbol styles.
  74. Previews of graphic styles did not display correctly.
  75. DWG/DXF: improved export of VIEWPORT entities and paper space objects.
  76. Fixed visualization problem that could prevent vertical construction lines from displaying at certain zoom factors.
  77. Fixed vertical alignment of multi-line labels in annotative tools.
  78. Dimension styles were incorrectly marked as modified after reopening a file.
  79. Editing tools can now be deactivated by clicking their icon in the Editing toolbar.
  80. Windows: fixed user interface of the Print Preview window.
  81. Print Preview: changing the printer or the page setup now correctly updates the calculated scale factor when the “Fit to on page” option is active.
  82. Windows: addressed minor printing inconsistencies.
  83. Windows: fixed viewports in PDF.
  84. Windows: fixed rotated labels in PDF.
  85. Publish to PDF: when the page size is set as “By Sheet”, the size of the pdf page is calculated on the paper size of the sheet if available, rather than calculating it on the contents.
  86. Improved bound calculations of linear dimensions to include the entire label box.
  87. Viewports: fixed the scale of represented hatches.
  88. Windows PDF: fixed the size of text labels in viewports.
  89. Fixed behaviour of Edit commands like Cut, Copy, Paste, etc. when an input field is currently active.
  90. The Duplicate to Sheet command did not update group members correctly.
  91. Fixed Duplicate Sheet when the sheet includes groups with walls and openings.
  92. Hatches from exploded mirrored symbols were not placed at the correct coordinates.
  93. Fixed Detail Area / Callout styles
  94. Misc. fixes in Drawing Presentation window and image creation.
  95. Photogrammetry: the Extend and Join commands now update the projection.
  96. Photogrammetry: Select All objects by class now works properly.
  97. The Resize Drawing by Measure did not apply to all the objects on the sheet.
  98. Images of the current drawing created for export or drawing presentation now use the highest quality antialiasing.
  99. Viewports: fixed clipping of objects when the view is rotated.
  100. Fixed Explode command applied to mirrored symbols that include arcs and curves.
  101. Doors & Windows: it is now possible to insert an opening exactly on the start or end point of a wall.
  102. Drawing Presentation now checks the size of the image before starting the rendering.
  103. Opening a tool settings window in a document no longer activates another open document with the same panel active.
  104. Improved snapping to wall end points.
  105. Fixed the joints of walls when the “Allow start joint” option is disabled.
  106. Zooming with the mouse wheel now always includes 100% in either direction.
  107. Printing a detail area no longer leaves traces of objects in the paper margins area.
  108. DXF/DWG: groups with multiple levels of sub-groups are now exported correctly.
  109. The Polygonal Selection method of the Selection tool did not show the selected items after the double click.

HighDesign R5.3 Release Notes

New Features, Changes & Improvements

  1. Dimensions: added new label position Top/Left so that the label is always placed above and to the left of the line (as per ISO 129).
  2. Text: added box-sizing options: fixed size, fit height, fit content. When flexible height is active, the height of the box adjusts to the number of lines of text. This allows easier and quicker editing of text boxes. The auto-fit option has been merged into this new feature.
  3. Text Style toolbar: added pop-up menu for the insertion of special characters.
  4. Grid: added snap to grid subdivisions.
  5. Symbols: added the ability to define custom insertion points.
  6. Object Info now remembers the collapsed state of each panel.
  7. Object Info: improved layout properties and info panels.
  8. Detail sheet: viewports created from details now show the underlay on the layout.
  9. Viewports: added Snap Inside option to allow snapping to the elements contained in the viewport.
  10. Project Window: added the Insert Image icon to the main toolbar, in the Drafting group.
  11. Images: internally redesigned the way images are handled. Image objects now contain a reference to the actual image that is stored as a project resource, thus making it possible to resize and rotate the image object without loss of quality, and making all modifications completely reversible at any time.
  12. Image Inspector: removed the “Print Size” fields; added an Information button that shows information about the original image; added a “Restore Original Values” button that returns tha image object to the original dimensions and resolution.
  13. Images can now display the border if set from the general stroke colour menu.
  14. Revised the mechanism for handling auto-saved files recovered from disk. When recovery files are detected, the Welcome window includes an “Autosaved” tab with a list of the files. The files continue to be available for recovery for the duration of the current session, leaving time to the user to decide when to review them.
  15. Welcome Window: the Quit button now requires two clicks to actually exit the application. This was implemented as a safety measure.
  16. DXF/DWG now includes IMAGE entity support (import only).
  17. The Point Coordinates panel in Object Info now provides transformation options for symbols and images: when editing a vertex coordinates, you can decide whether to stretch or move the object by that vertex.
  18. The “cross” cursors are now larger on Mac.
  19. The Bezier Path tool now supports click-drag to define the tangents of the current point.
  20. Points of a Bezier paths can now be edited through a pop-up menu, which includes Add, Delete and Make Sharp/Smooth.
  21. Improved the construction and editing of spline curves.
  22. Improved accuracy of snap to grid nodes.


  • Snap to intersections no longer interferes with object snap when snapping objects placed above hatches or filled regions.
  • When deleting a sheet, the option to move its content to another sheet did not work.
  • Dimensions: label angle “Aligned, readable” is now set correctly.
  • Doors: the Axis line option was not saved.
  • Doors: swing angles, axis line and other construction items are drawn with hairline.
  • Text: right-to-left fonts now are aligned properly.
  • Text: the text direction setting is now correctly applied to selected text objects.
  • Text: the input box now resizes correctly and the text no longer scrolls upwards out of view.
  • Resizing the window now correctly updates the heights of sidebar panels.
  • Entering in full screen mode correctly updates the heights of sidebar panels.
  • Viewports: resizing a viewport no longer shifts the contained drawing.
  • Object info now updates the Name property of the current sheet after this has been edited.
  • Fixed German and French localizations of the Window and Door option panels.
  • Print preview now correctly adjusts to the user-defined print scale.
  • Changing scale to a detail sheet no longer shifts the drawn content apart from the underlay.
  • Crop Image: improved the visibility of the crop rectangle.
  • Photogrammetry: fixed minor glitche in the Setup panel.
  • Fixed situation where input fields could retain focus when disabled, leading to random crashes.
  • Copy and Paste of groups containing walls and openings now works correctly.
  • Fixed command Paste of groups containing symbols.
  • Fixed the rendering of the insulation layer in compound walls on retina displays.
  • Fixed the Explode Underlay command for detail sheets.
  • DXF/DWG import erroneously discarted some blocks.
  • The Layout Information panel in Object Info could stop allowing edits in certain conditions.
  • The Calendar popup in the Layot Object Info panel now uses the system theme colours.
  • The Open File dialog used to load images now lists an “All Supported Types” element so that all compatible image types can be seen in directory listings (Windows only).
  • The scroll wheel did not work properly on popup menus.
  • Fixed the alignment of icons and headings when the drawing tool bar is arranged on two columns.
  • Windows: under some conditions, DWG conversion would not start properly.
  • The Copy Attributes command now sets the proper tool method.
  • Splines: improved snap precision on the curve profile; restored the Cancel Last Point widget (the “X” icon“) and the popup menu to add or delete a control point.
  • Shortcuts panel: it is now possible to remove a keyboard shortcut from a menu item by setting an empty key.
  • Publish to PDF: drafting sheets are now exported in reverse order to match the page ordering of PDF documents.
  • The guided tour on Windows no longer hides the main window interface.

HighDesign 2016 Release Notes

New Features

  • 64-bit: HighDesign is now built as a 64-bit application. This brings up to 10x speed improvements on drawing regeneration, refresh, file load and save.
  • Associative Dimensions: linear dimensions can now be linked to objects and automatically adjust their geometry and measurement value to their associated object.
  • [Pro] Compound Walls: new type to create walls made of more than one layer. Each internal component can have its own name, role, thickness, fill and hatch.
  • Edit Group command allows to modify the member items of a group in a separate workspace.
  • Direct selection for group members: hold down the Cmd key to quickly select and modify members of a group without ungrouping
  • [Pro] Sheets now have a new “Hide Others” display option to automatically isolate the current sheet
  • The View menu is now a top-level menu on the menu bar, and adds commands to control the pen weights, layer and sheet display options.
  • New Drawing display modes: By Project, By Layer, Wireframe or Wireframe monochromatic.
  • Measure Area tool.
  • Linear units: added kilometers, yards, miles and points.
  • Snap labels show the current snap status and point type.
  • Quick object info shows basic, on-screen information about the current object under the cursor.
  • Vector Info show angle and length of the current segment.
  • New preference option to increase the size of on-screen info texts.
  • Option to disable pen weight zooming.
  • Option to mask the area outside the current page.
  • New Arc/Circle widget to switch shape during the construction of arcs and circles.
  • Export As PNG now supports the alpha channel.
  • GIF import and export.
  • PDF import as high-DPI image with ability to choose the page to import.
  • Image files can be dragged directly onto the drawing area and open immediately for quick insertion.
  • [Pro] Save visible sheets command in the File menu.
  • New Copy as Image command copies an image of the selected project in the clipboard. Available formats are JPG, PNG @72 DPI, PNG @300 DPI, PNG @300 DPI with alpha channel and GIF.
  • New Distribute command to arrange the selected objects by their centers, top or bottom bounds, or spacing.
  • The Text Style toolbar now provides Cancel and Confirm buttons.
  • Preferences: added the ability to send automatic, anonymous feedback reports to Ilexsoft.
  • Object Info: Arcs can now be edited by diameter and internal angle. Doors and windows show both structural and frame widths.
  • Text font in Text and in Dimension inspectors can now be set also via the OS X Font Panel. This option allows to access more typefaces for the selected font family.
  • Added preference to enable/disable live view refresh during scrolling and panning.#### Changes and Miscellaneous ImprovementsThe following issues have been resolved in this release:DWG/DXF: improved export and import.Redesigned the Window Inspector and added option to to disable door casing.Added all engineering and architectural drawing scales.Doors and windows can now be moved and duplicates onto different walls.Improved Copy and Paste.Improved numeric input of arcs and circles.Pen weight modes have been renamed to “bitmap”, “low resolution” and “high resolution”.Improved high-resolution pen weights for better on-screen rendering.Miscellaneous fixes.## 2016.0.1## 2016.0.1- Printing: added option to disable color interpolation when printing as monochromatic.
  • Associative dimensions can now be applied to grouped objects.
  • Resolved Issues
  • The following issues have been resolved in this release:
  • Fixed error generated by text editing.
  • Print preview is now correct when printing on custom paper sizes.
  • Fixed occasional crash when opening 1.8.7 projects.
  • New documents now set the default units correctly.
  • Updated for OS X 10.11.4
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes.## 2016.0.2PDF: improved output of batt insulation lines, texts; fixed minor issues.Improved text editing.Improved compatibility with old HighDesign 1.x files.Default units for new projects are now set correctly.Texts in groups are now scaled correctly.Improved support for US units.Damaged texts are now handled correctly.Miscellaneous stability improvements and bug fixes in Offset, Dimensions, Walls, Groups, Arcs, Hatches, File I/O, DXF/DWG.

HighDesign 2015 Release Notes


New Features, Changes and Improvements

  • Redesigned interface of the main window and many accessory windows.
  • Sidebar.
  • Radial menu.
  • Layers panel.
  • Input bar.
  • Themes.
  • Support for full screen.
  • Full support for Retina displays.
  • Multiple documents.
  • Support for multiple displays.
  • Compatibility with DXF/DWGÂŽ 2015.
  • Quick Info about type and layer of object.
  • Automatic perpendicular, parallel and intersection alignments.
  • Smarter selection via contextual menu and Object Info.
  • Tool properties Inspector window.
  • Polyline tool with linear and circular segments.
  • Regular Polygons.
  • Arc by Tangent.
  • Spline tool.
  • Smart Annotation tool.
  • Styled text paragraphs.
  • Vertical text alignment.
  • Ordinate dimensions.
  • Enhanced elevation dimensions.
  • Enhanced symbols.
  • High-resolution images can now be displayed at screen or print resolution.
  • Enhanced scrolling and panning and support for gestures.
  • New options for linear hatches.
  • Pattern hatches.
  • Ability to open holes inside a hatch.
  • Gradient fills with multiple colours and varying opacity.
  • Ability to apply the fill to all closed shapes such as circles, polygons, rectangles.
  • Templates (Pro).
  • Application Preferences and Project Properties.
  • Enhanced walls with interior/exterior side, variable widths, optional joints (Pro).
  • Enhanced windows with scale-adaptive details.
  • Redesigned Trim tool.
  • Redesigned Fillet & Chamfer.
  • Grid with subdivisions.
  • Customisable UI colours.
  • Repeat Last Action command.
  • Sheets have their own unit and origin (Pro).
  • Welcome window.
  • Guided Tour.
  • Repair Document command.
  • Drawing Manager now lets you add resources to the project.
  • Render (Pro).
  • Enhanced and easier Photogrammetry setup process (Pro).
  • Option to correct perspective of the Photogrammetry image (Pro).
  • Enhanced Adjust Image tool (Pro).
  • New Insulation line type.
  • Line type scale factor.
  • More pen weights.
  • Direct Select & Move.

HighDesign 2015.1

New Features, Changes and Improvements

Resolved Issues

Resolved Issues

  • Temporary items are cleaned when the app closes
  • PRO: Custom presets did not load correctly
  • PRO: Styles that include presets did not load correctly
  • Double-clicking a text with the Arrow tool now allows to close the box by clicking outside.
  • PRO: Improved conversion of walls, doors and windows from older documents.
  • Improved synchronisation of colours in older documents.
  • Improved DXF/DWG conversion.
  • Horizontal orientation applied to new dimension labels.
  • PDF: improved export of vertical labels.
  • PRO: Improved transfer and duplicate objects to sheet.
  • Improved parsing of fractional feet and inches input.
  • Welcome Window: Fixed special characters in Recent file names
  • Layer Manager: fixed synchronisation between selected layer and Delete button
  • Layers: improved safety when loading duplicate layers.
  • Grouped symbols did not load correctly.
  • The Snaps panel now opens in new sessions if it was previously used, regardless of the sidebar status.
  • Improved the option “Snap to Grid disables other snaps”.
  • Default text units for text and dimension objects are now properly stored in the preferences.
  • Hatch tool: Fit To Arc editing now works correctly.
  • Rectangles, Groups can now resized proportionally.
  • Texts, Annotations: fixed scale operations.
  • Miscellaneous fixes

HighDesign 2015.2

New Features, Changes and Improvements