Find Center of Mass

The Center of Mass, sometimes called centroid, barycenter or balance point, is a unique point located at the average position of all the parts of the system, weighted according to their masses. For simple rigid objects with uniform density, the center of mass is located at the centroid. The center of mass is useful because it is the point where any uniform force on the object acts without producing angular acceleration.

The center of mass makes it easy to solve mechanics problems where we have to describe the motion of oddly-shaped objects and complicated systems

The function “Find Center of Mass” calculates the position of the center of mass of the selected polygons, closed poly-lines or hatches. To calculate the center of mass of curved regions like circles or béziers, you can explode them and then apply this command to the selected lines. 

Applies to:
  • selected objects
  1. select the object
  2. activate the command